Scuderia Ferrari suffered a major loss in 2020 as a result of the new FIA directives that impose stricter controls on maximum fuel supply. The Italians will therefore now have to catch up in other areas in a short space of time. They will do so in small steps.
Indeed, according to journalist Franco Nugnes, Ferrari will not come up with a revolutionary new hybrid power source design for 2021, but a series of small improvements will have to make a leap forward.
2022 possibly new layout of the power source
“Ferrari does not change the architecture of the hybrid part of the power source. The turbo and compressor also remain virtually the same. A version with two separate turbocharging elements will be tested before 2022, but it is not certain that it will be used in the end.”
For 2021, however, Ferrari will come up with the so-called ‘superfast’ concept, which will ensure that the fuel is burned under higher pressure. In addition, a more reliable exhaust system and an adapted cooling system that provides less air resistance have been worked on.

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